From the West Bank to Australia. For Palestine.

من الخليل إلى أستراليا لفلسطين

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من الخليل إلى أستراليا لفلسطين

From the West Bank to Australia. For Palestine.

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Black & White, Red & White, Rainbow, Green & White, Tatreez and Flag kufiyas now all in stock

Friday 4 October – Freedom t-shirts now available!

Limited offer: Direct from the West Bank

West Bank designed and printed Freedom t-shirts. Inspired by the highly celebrated escape by Palestinian prisoners from an Israeli jail by digging their way out using a spoon, the design celebrates Palestinian ingenuity and steadfastness (sumud). The back has the simple message: “Free Palestine”.

Made in sport tech fabric, these are available now, limited edition, in Medium, Large and Extra-Large sizes.

Only available until sold out. Your purchase supports the designer, manufacturer and the wider struggle for freedom for the Palestinian people.

Friday 13 September – More new stock.

Green & White, Flag, Tatreez as well as Black & White, Red & White and very lovely aprons now available.

14 August 2024 – New Stock has arrived

New stock has arrived!! Lots of classic black & white and more flag and tatreez kufiyas as well.

August Update – More stock coming

New stock is on the way with lots of the classic black and white Kufiya. We hope they will be here by the 18th of August. We will keep you informed of their arrival

July Update: Kufiyas In Stock Now!

At long last, after many months, we finally have kufiyas available! West Bank Kuifyas has been established by a group of families who have reopened an old factory in Nablus and are producing a limited range of kufiyas.

Many of those involved work in the tourism sector so have had no work since October, just after the years of Covid restrictions on tourism. We are pleased to be supporting these West Bank families.

As well as classic designs, West Bank Kufiyas have two special models with embroidered bands sewn onto them. One has Palestinian flags, and the other an example of Palestinian tatreez (embroidery).

Of course, we will continue to stock Hirbawi kufiyas when we can get stock, but they are still busy meeting their own demand.

Prices have increased, reflecting the rises in materials costs and also big increases in international freight charges. Local postage has also increased. We work hard to keep our overheads as low as possible to keep kufiyas affordable. We remain 100% volunteer run, with all proceeds donated to support Palestine and Palestinian human rights.

So far we have been able to donate $65,000 to organisations working in the Occupied Territories as well as advocacy organisations working in Australia.

We look forward to receiving your order so you can wear your support for Palestine.

At Last, Some Good News!

June 2024

After many months of waiting, we have received limited supplies of kufiyas from Palestine! West Bank Kufiyas has been set up by a group of West Bank families and they have reopened on old factory in Nablus to produce kufiyas.

We are delighted to be able to support this new enterprise. The tourism sector is important for many in the West Bank and after drying up during Covid, since October everything has been at a standstill. West Bank Kufiyas is a small glimmer of light in the midst of so much sadness.

The downside is that they are not for public sale yet as we are first giving access to those on our very long waiting list. Once we’ve gone through our waiting list we’ll load the remaining stock onto the website, and we hope to have another shipment from West Bank Kufiyas soon. They are producing a limited range – Black & White, Red & White, Green & White, and Rainbow.

Of course, we will continue to stock Hirbawi kufiyas when they are able to send us more stock. Hirbawi are still working flat out to meet their unmet demand.

Thanks for your continuing patience and remember our purpose is to support a Free Palestine! 100% volunteer run, all profits go to support Palestine and Palestinian human rights.

Promising News

February 2024


Thanks for your patience in waiting for news of new stocks of kufiyas. We have just heard that we may receive limited numbers in March, but nowhere near enough to supply our waiting list. The Hirbawi factory has endured many challenges over recent months – staff scared to leave their homes because of attacks from settlers, struggles to obtain supplies of thread caused by Israeli blockades, and erratic electricity supplies for the looms.

On top of that they are trying to meet more than 300,000 existing preorders from around the world! All this is huge for a small factory with only around ten looms, all more than 50 years old, and processes that entail individual stitching of every kufiya.

The demand for genuine Palestinian kufiyas clearly shows the ever-growing international support for a free Palestine, despite so many of our governments’ continuing support for Israel’s war. How can the world just stand and watch the deaths of almost 30,000 civilians?

At Hirbawi they are hoping to buy a generator to guarantee the electricity supply and also have plans to buy new looms in order to increase production. To do this they have flagged price increases which we will have to pass on. As a totally volunteer organisation all profits are given to a range of organisations providing both direct aid to Gaza and the West Bank as well as advocacy for Palestinian human rights in Australia and internationally. We thank you for your continuing support and encourage you to keep up your commitment to justice for Palestinians. Actions are happening every week all across Australia – and internationally – so please be part of it. Keep up the pressure on our politicians and keep supporting advocacy organisations.

Remember that Hirbawi is the only factory in Palestine producing kufiyas – beware of imitations!

We will let you know as soon as we have new stock, but will probably have to gradually go through our waiting list and limit the number of kufiyas each person can buy. To be added to the list, just send on email to

No stock coming yet

20 November

Dear Friends

We have just heard from the Hirbawi weavery in Hebron with news that it will be some weeks before they are back in full production. They have run out of thread and are trying to find ways to import it via Jordan. This is made very difficult because most land transport has been stopped in the West Bank and between the West Bank and Jordan.

We will let you know when new stock is on the way, by posting on our Instagram page and here.

Your support for Palestine at this time is appreciated and we are of course disappointed that we can’t supply the overwhelming demand from you to show your support for equality and human rights for every Palestinian. This is another example of the many ways in which Israel controls and restricts Palestinians, even in industry, and that the current attacks are not only in Gaza, but also in the West Bank.

Please keep up your actions to support a ceasefire by attending rallies, lobbying your MPs and talking to your friends and family about Israel’s attacks on Gaza and the West Bank.

Free Free Palestine!


 On Monday 6 November we received our latest shipment of 450 kufiyas, and two days later, due to an outpouring of support and solidarity, we have again sold out! We have more on order, but movement restrictions in the West Bank and threatening behaviour by Israeli settlers around Hebron is making it difficult for many of the weavery workers to get to work. Hence as well as massive worldwide demand, production is still happening at a reduced rate.

Although we have more stock on order, we don’t know when it will arrive – but rest assured as soon as it does we will let you know. If you want to go on our waiting list, please send us an email.

In the meantime please keep up your activism and solidarity for Palestine. There are rallies and actions happening all over the country – and if they are not happening in your area think about creating an action. Write to your local politician or write a personalised email to them, write to your local or state newspaper, if you belong to a union urge them to become active.

You can also contribute financially – to the Australia Palestine Advocacy Network (APAN) for advocacy or to Olive Kids, APHEDA or Medical Aid for Palestine for humanitarian donations.

Ceasefire NOW!    End the siege of Gaza!     End the Occupation!

Yours in solidarity

Bruce and Brian


At last, we have new stock, however it is limited in number and design. A worldwide outpouring of support and solidarity for Palestine has led to a massive spike in sales. While the horror of Israel’s attacks continues in Gaza, Israel is also tightening its control over the West Bank, so movement is highly restricted, and settlers are being even more threatening than usual. This means that many of the Hirbawi weavery’s staff are unable to get to work, so production of kufiyas is limited.

We may not have your favourite design, but we hope you will still find a kufiya to suit and wear proudly and in solidarity. We have ordered further stock, but we don’t know when it will arrive. We will let you know as soon as the new stock is close. In the meantime, we will do our best to get your orders posted to you as quickly as possible.

Thanks for your understanding and continuing support.

Free, Free Palestine

Brian & Bruce

Out of Stock!

BUT you can still show your support for Palestine by making a donation for emergency aid and supplies. We suggest two organisations that are well regarded and work in Gaza:

  1. Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) is a British based charity that provides immediate medical aid and longer term health development for Palestinians living under occupation. They are already releasing essential supplies for hospitals in Gaza. They have launched a Gaza Emergency Appeal.
  2. Olive Kids  is an Australian charity that supports orphan and other disadvantaged Palestinian children. They have launched an emergency appeal for medical supplies, generator fuel, blankets and food packages for displaced families in Gaza. Donations to Olive Kids are tax deductible.

And please join Australia Palestine Advocacy Network (APAN)’s action to demand that our politicians speak up for Palestinians and call for an immediate ceasefire

Kufiyas (keffiyehs) are the symbol of Palestinian resistance and their fight for justice.

A kufiya will keep you warm in the winter and cool in summer. Kufiyas now come in a large range of designs, from the traditional black and white to colourful modern designs.

We have been importing kufiyas from the last remaining factory in Palestine since 2015. The sales support the Hirbawi weavery in Hebron and ALL the proceeds are donated to support Palestinian human rights. All proceeds go to support projects in Gaza and the West Bank (via Apheda, Olive Kids and Defense of Children Palestine) and to solidarity organisations in Australia, such as the Australian Palestine Advocacy Network (APAN).

A wide range of designs

Shop our wide range of kufiyas, various patterns and colours to suit all tastes.

  • Out of Stock

    In an attempt to produce Alquds Kufiya we used the wrong yarn and this charming Kufiya was the result.

    But, as we refuse all kinds of political attempts to substitute Alquds (Jerusalem) with the city of Abu Dis, we will not accept it on ourselves to dub this Kufiya with the name Alquds. Instead, we call it Abu Dis. Named after an ancient Palestinian city located in close proximity to the city of Jerusalem. It is charming and beautiful, but clearly and in plain sight, Abu Dis is not our Alquds!

  • Out of Stock

    Blue pattern on yellow background and light blue frame

  • Out of Stock

    Coffee berries red on roasted coffee beans brown. A very refreshing Kufiya!

  • Out of Stock

    A tribute to the Palestinian village of Kaubar, between Ramallah and Jerusalem, which is famous for its beautiful olive groves.

    Olive green and white pattern on white background.

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